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Perfectly Disheveled

Okay so I am just going to lay it out there......I am disheveled!

I try not to be, I try to wear cloths that fit, that are clean, and that are not wrinkled. I must admit I wear hats alot....I once wanted to be a hairdresser. I even went to shool for it. Now I hate to do my own hair. lol This is me below with my favorite hat on.


Today started better then any other day. It was warm out and no need to warm the vehicle. My babe and I were dressed and ready to hit the open road, her for school and me for work. Daddy helped dress her and get her ready, so I was in no hurry today.

I was wearing newly laundered jeans and a black v neck with a plaid shirt over it. I think I looked reasonably good. I said "good morning," to everyone on my way in. As I am approching the door to my office, I felt something wet on my leg. I look down to discover that somewhere along the line from my car to my office, my purse has been dipped in dirty melted slush and it is running on my once clean pants! As I swear (yes I swear but mainly when and try to wipe away the damage, I glance at myself in the large mirror in my office, to discover a huge toothpaste stain down the front of my shirt~! What the frig! Where did this slush even come from and how did I not notice a 3 inch white blob on my black shirt? Ugg

I could try to blame it on having a child, but truly I could not do it in good conscience, because it would be an excuse. I know that it is me. I am not sure how "those" women get work all shinny and new, hair did and makeup perfect, clothes perfectly pressed. How do they do this? I am happy to pull clothes off of the pile and not the floor!

I have always wanted to be one of those people, but I am just not. I suppose maybe, I get to watch one more episode of, "The Mindy project" then they do in a day or maybe I prioritize doing a puzzle with my daughter higher then working on my laundry. Maybe its when I have extra money (almost never these days) I perfer to spend it on my daugher or camara equipment instead of clothes like most women. If it is because of these things, then I will prefer to stay disheveled.

Whatever it is though, I plan on trying to do better this year and really make an effort to not look such a mess. I will try to dress for sucess. To try to put myself first once in a while and look the part. I think this warrants a shopping trip to Saskatoon soon with my sister for clothes. We usually end up at Oskosh Carter going crazy~! lol This time it will be for me. I need to pull myself together and look it.

I would love to hear about how you are disheveled and what your plans are to change. Comment below. ;)

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